MasterFormat® 2020: A Master List of Titles and Numbers for the Construction Industry is now available from CSI.
Keep current, get the latest edition.
MasterFormat is a taxonomy that breaks down and organizes the work to be performed and its results in a construction project. It can be used to organize project manuals filled with specifications, provide detailed cost estimates, perform budgeting and cost analysis and tracking, and tagging of designed objects in building information models (BIM).
MasterFormat is in use by many of the largest information and software providers in the United States and the world.
MasterFormat is available in two forms:
Electronic only: Immediate access to the full contents of MasterFormat in a web-accessible format.
Electronic and print: The same access to an electronic version as the above edition and delivery of a companion print version of the standard.
Both versions of MasterFormat 2020 Edition include access to the following:
Full electronic file of the current edition, including additional descriptive information about titles and the keyword index
The MasterFormat 2020 Numbers & Titles - a simple PDF listing of just the MasterFormat numbers and titles
MasterFormat 2020 Transition Matrix - an Excel file that provides number and title information:
Transitions that link numbers and titles from the following editions:
A listing of all 2020 Edition Numbers and Titles
The MasterFormat 2020 Edition replaces all previous MasterFormat editions. It is produced jointly by CSI and Construction Specifications Canada (CSC).
If you need specifications, CSI can help you learn how to use MasterFormat and prepare specs, or help you meet specifiers who can consult with you on your project. Contact CSI at to learn more about CSI membership and CSI's education and certification programs.
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